Bob Hunter, founder of greenpeace

(October 13, 1941 –May 2, 2005) 

Bob Hunter was a Canadian environmentalist, journalist, author and politicianHe was a co-founder of Greenpeace in 1972 with Patrick Moore, Ben Metcalfe, Jim Bohlen, Irving Stowe and several other members. Embarked with them in a rusting fishing boat they called "The Greenpeace."In the first protest voyage to the Alaskan island of Amchitka, to bear witness to a U.S. nuclear test.  In doing so, they set off a wave of public support and protest which closed the US-Canadian border for the first time since 1812, ultimately shut the testing programme down,and created a new force for environmental and peace activism which continues to this day.
Besides being the first President of Greenpeace, was a long-time campaigner for environmental causes. He led the first on-sea anti-whaling campaigns in the world, against Russian and Australian whalers, which helped lead to the ban on commercial whaling. He campaigned against nuclear testing, the Canadian seal hunt and later, climate change with his book 'Thermageddon: Countdown to 2030.'
I admire to Bob Hunter because was a man consequent and that fougth for their ideals lifetime,thanks to his madcap creativity and strategic smarts achieved great accomplishments, but always maintained his humility and optimism. 


Miss said...

Bob Hunter was a Canadian environmentalist, journalist, author and politicianHe was a co-founder of Greenpeace in 1972 with Patrick Moore, Ben Metcalfe, Jim Bohlen, Irving Stowe and several other members. Embarked with them in a rusting fishing boat they called "The Greenpeace."In the first protest voyage to the Alaskan island of Amchitka, to bear witness to a U.S. nuclear test. In doing so, they set off a wave of public support and protest which closed the US-Canadian border for the first time since 1812, ultimately shut the testing programme down,and created a new force for environmental and peace activism which continues to this day.
Besides being the first President of Greenpeace, was a long-time campaigner for environmental causes. He led the first on-sea anti-whaling campaigns in the world, against Russian and Australian whalers, which helped lead to the ban on commercial whaling. He campaigned against nuclear testing, the Canadian seal hunt and later, climate change with his book 'Thermageddon: Countdown to 2030.'
I admire to Bob Hunter because was a man WO consequent and that fougth for WW their ideals lifetime,thanks to his madcap creativity and strategic WW smarts TENSE achieved great accomplishments, but always maintained his humility and optimism.

very interesting man...

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